Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Spring Break Fun!

Hi there! So today my mom and I decided to do a little shopping. Here's how it went down..

I found some neat thrift stores on the internet before we left for our adventure. I ended up with a dress-type-thingy, a skirt, and a couple shirts. Never know what you may find while thrifting!

Then I happened to get hungry, so I figured I'd snap a pic of my delicious granny smith apple.

After hitting a few more stores, we stopped for lunch at Jason's Deli. I got a turkey wrap (hold the ranch!) and some steamed veggies. Delish! All for 420 calories. OH! And they don't have sprouts anymore.... say what?! I just might have to protest.

Seeing as how I LOVE the Hunger Games, I thought it was amazing that Sally Beauty Supply had this nail polish! So cool.
I ended up with $54 invested into makeup/nail polish. A little pricey, but, I'm a girl. What do ya expect? =)
And then....

Along with my debit card, license, etc hooked onto it! Yikes!
After tearing up Old Navy looking for them (sorry Old Navy) I found them at the previous store we were at! Whew! *Sigh of relief*

The day began to come to an end when it started raining. (Boo Oklahoma weather).

Hope you enjoyed a bit of my spring break fun! I'll post the clothing items I bought today in the "fashion" tab. Catch ya next time!

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