Monday, March 26, 2012

Back to school!

Today was the first day back from spring break and..... it wasn't that bad! (especially for a monday) Anyway, I thought I'd just share what my day was like..

I went to school and found out I made a 90 on my Mass Media midterm, and a 93 on my English essay.. woohoo! The rest of the day pretty much dragged on after that.. Then I came home, changed, and headed to the gym! And let me tell you, it was intense. Leg Mondays.. ouch. But you gotta...

So True!

On my way home, I was admiring Gods beautiful creation and the radio starting playing a song called All This Time by Britt Nicole, its such a good song. Go listen to it!

I also have a surprise. This weekend I'm making.....

Jamie Eason's Turkey Meatloaf Muffins!

Yum! Can't wait. See ya then!

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Spring Break Fun!

Hi there! So today my mom and I decided to do a little shopping. Here's how it went down..

I found some neat thrift stores on the internet before we left for our adventure. I ended up with a dress-type-thingy, a skirt, and a couple shirts. Never know what you may find while thrifting!

Then I happened to get hungry, so I figured I'd snap a pic of my delicious granny smith apple.

After hitting a few more stores, we stopped for lunch at Jason's Deli. I got a turkey wrap (hold the ranch!) and some steamed veggies. Delish! All for 420 calories. OH! And they don't have sprouts anymore.... say what?! I just might have to protest.

Seeing as how I LOVE the Hunger Games, I thought it was amazing that Sally Beauty Supply had this nail polish! So cool.
I ended up with $54 invested into makeup/nail polish. A little pricey, but, I'm a girl. What do ya expect? =)
And then....

Along with my debit card, license, etc hooked onto it! Yikes!
After tearing up Old Navy looking for them (sorry Old Navy) I found them at the previous store we were at! Whew! *Sigh of relief*

The day began to come to an end when it started raining. (Boo Oklahoma weather).

Hope you enjoyed a bit of my spring break fun! I'll post the clothing items I bought today in the "fashion" tab. Catch ya next time!

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

My first post!

Hi guys! I'm new to this blogging thing, but I'll try my best to keep up. Since this is my first official blog post, I'll start off with some random facts about me.

  • My real name is Victoria *rolls eyes* but, call me Tori.
  • You'll probably find me in my room, sipping on green tea, and watching food network.
  • I started college in the fall, and instead of gaining my freshman 15, I lost it. More like 40 pounds, not 15. But who's counting right? ;)
  • I recently became a Christian. God is good. =)
  • I'm afraid of butterflies. Yes. You read that correctly.
  • I'm a bargain shopper. I like to just throw something together. 
  • I love to sing at the top of my lungs in my car. 
  • I have a tattoo that says, "Let It Be" ..words to live by!
  • I love reading, writing, and photography.

Well, there ya go! I'll try to keep my blog updated as much as I can! Check out my latest recipe in the "yummy recipes" tab and I'll work on updating the others. Thanks for reading. See ya!