Monday, June 18, 2012

Hello loves!

I can't believe you guys have already gotten me 1200 views, my blog is just a baby! Thanks so much! Well, I've discovered the difficulty of being a vegetarian. I've been replacing my meat mainly with protein shakes. Even eating at restaurants is difficult, EVERYTHING has meat in it! Or if it doesn't, it's extremely unhealthy. Anyway, I have good reasons for switching to vegetarianism and I'm sticking to it!  Tomorrow I'm going to try and pry myself out of bed before work to start my couch to 5k plan. I love love love being in the gym and lifting weights, but I've also always wanted to be a runner. I was always either too out of shape, or had too many excuses and never got around to it. Now, my asthma is really getting in my way, but I'm going to fight through it! 

I thought I'd post some inspiration for me in the morning, and for all of you reading this. =)

Have a great week!

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